
The Benefits of 5G Technology for Small Businesses

5G technologies promise faster communications and data connections; you can also use them to increase business productivity. As 5G becomes more common, businesses must learn to leverage it to propel innovation and ...

Beware of These Hardware Security Vulnerabilities

When discussing cybersecurity threats and protecting business data, many business owners instinctively think of software vulnerabilities, email phishing, DDoS attacks, and other software or network-related threats. However, with the rise of the ...

The Role of Email Marketing in Small Business Growth

Small business advertising often looks much different than the marketing efforts of large corporations. Email marketing methods, in particular, will differ between businesses. When done right, they can help your brand expand ...

Enhancing Productivity Through Efficient Communication: A Guide for Small Businesses

Implementing the right methods can enhance productivity throughout a small business. Streamlined communication is essential for boosting productivity across an entire team, but how can you achieve these results? This guide offers ...

The Return of Bumblebee Malware

Thousands of organizations worldwide remember the Bumblebee malware that surfaced in March 2022, allowing dozens of cybercriminal threat actors to drop payloads on targeted victims.  Although researchers noticed this malware loader disappeared ...

New AI Tool for Adobe Acrobat

Three decades after Adobe invented the PDF format, most people still choose Adobe to read, edit, or transform PDFs. Acrobat is everywhere on desktops, mobile devices, and the web.  Adobe has decided ...

What Business Owners Should Know About This Google Workspace Update

From classrooms to office board meetings, Google Workspace helps over three billion users worldwide draft documents, create charts, and prepare presentations. It's convenient, with easier accessibility across devices, unlike Microsoft suites. It ...

Remote Work Security: Safeguarding Digital Assets in a Decentralized Environment

Is yours one of the thousands of corporations encouraging people to return to the office? Perhaps your employees aren’t budging on discontinuing their digital freedom for more traditional arrangements. You’re not alone ...

Look Out for the Fake Version of LastPass on the Apple App Store

LastPass, the password management app serving more than 33 million users, recently warned iOS users about a fake version of its app, which managed to scale through the security review process on ...

Beware of These Multi-Factor Authentication Weaknesses

As a business leader, you want to protect your network from hacking and implement multi-factor authentication across your many accounts and devices. While these measures can boost your cybersecurity, hackers can exploit ...


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